I’m Back
Start the presses. I’m blogging again.
I took a break in August 2021 to work on a book about my life and my experiences in politics and newspapers. I’ve written 200+ pages, and there’s more to come.
One day I’ll get around to publishing it. Some parts will have to wait until I’m gone.
For now, I’ll get back to commenting, condemning, criticizing, critiquing, commiserating, counseling, consoling, carping, cheerleading and kibitzing.
I’ll do it at www.TalkingAboutPolitics.com, the blog that my friend and political opposite Carter Wrenn and I started way back in 2005.
Babies born that year can vote next year.
At lunch not long ago, Carter and I talked about saddling up again, before we’re too old to ride, or write, anymore. And before we forget it all.
We’ll have a lot to talk about between now and November 2024.
We can take you inside politics and campaigns – and the minds of candidates, consultants and staffers.
We can give you historical context and perspective on North Carolina politics.
We can try to explain how politics got like it is now.
We can also show that you can disagree about politics and yet be civil about it.
Reading us is like going to the Dinosaur Museum – and the dinosaurs come out and talk to you.
We’re back. Watch this space.

I’m Back

Start the presses. I’m blogging again.
I took a break in August 2021 to work on a book about my life and my experiences in politics and newspapers. I’ve written 200+ pages, and there’s more to come.
One day I’ll get around to publishing it. Some parts will have to wait until I’m gone.
For now, I’ll get back to commenting, condemning, criticizing, critiquing, commiserating, counseling, consoling, carping, cheerleading and kibitzing.
I’ll do it at www.TalkingAboutPolitics.com, the blog that my friend and political opposite Carter Wrenn and I started way back in 2005.
Babies born that year can vote next year.
At lunch not long ago, Carter and I talked about saddling up again, before we’re too old to ride, or write, anymore. And before we forget it all.
We’ll have a lot to talk about between now and November 2024.
We can take you inside politics and campaigns – and the minds of candidates, consultants and staffers.
We can give you historical context and perspective on North Carolina politics.
We can try to explain how politics got like it is now.
We can also show that you can disagree about politics and yet be civil about it.
Reading us is like going to the Dinosaur Museum – and the dinosaurs come out and talk to you.
We’re back. Watch this space.