I’m Appalled.’
How appalled? Not appalled enough to say that anyone – like Scientific Games – who paid a lottery commissioner $10,000 the day after he was appointed – should be banned from bidding on a contract.
Instead, Mr. Sanders says Scientific Games is “still a potential bidder.”
Here is a simple fact: Scientific Games paid Geddings $10,000 and Geddings kept it a secret. If making payments to a lottery commissioner doesn’t disqualify you from bidding on a contract – what does?
This just gets ‘smellier and smellier.’

I’m Appalled.’

How appalled? Not appalled enough to say that anyone – like Scientific Games – who paid a lottery commissioner $10,000 the day after he was appointed – should be banned from bidding on a contract.
Instead, Mr. Sanders says Scientific Games is “still a potential bidder.”
Here is a simple fact: Scientific Games paid Geddings $10,000 and Geddings kept it a secret. If making payments to a lottery commissioner doesn’t disqualify you from bidding on a contract – what does?
This just gets ‘smellier and smellier.’