
The email from David Parker, state Democratic Party chairman, promised a rip-roaring attack on Republican leaders: “Tillis, McCrory and Berger: Turning Back The Clock On NC Schools.”
Then came the first line: 

“Last week, Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly decided to challenge a court ruling on pre-kindergarten access could lead to an appeal of the landmark Leandro school-quality case.” (Sic.)

It’s ungrammatical. Also nonsensical, incomprehensible and, thus, totally ineffective.

Lest you think it was just a bad start, read the second line:

“A recent court ruling overturned the Republican’s attempt to charge the parents of at-risk children a premium fee to send their 4 year olds to pre-K programs offered by public schools. Now, in GOP challange (sic) to that ruling, Senate Republican leader Phil Berger’s chief of staff said in a memo to Senate Republicans that, by appealing the ruling, the GOP’s ultimate goal of overturning the Leandro case could be a possible benefit of such action.”

During Jim Hunt’s first year as Governor, he sent out a memo calling for all government documents to be written in “Rock Ridge” – that is, a style easily understood by his neighbors.
This email won’t get anybody in Rock Ridge, Roanoke Rapids or, for that matter, Raleigh riled up.

Apart from the poor writing, the author assumes that everybody immediately knows what the Leandro case is and the implications.

Trust me: they don’t.

This won’t cut it, my fellow Democrats. Nor will going over the top, as Parker did when he accused Paul Coble of “vicious fanaticism,” a la Jesse Helms.

Now, Coble may be Helms’ nephew. And he may have similar views. And there’s probably a lot he’s done and believes that Democrats can attack. But he’s not a vicious fanatic.
The biggest victims of that attack are Parker and the Democrats.
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Gary Pearce



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The email from David Parker, state Democratic Party chairman, promised a rip-roaring attack on Republican leaders: “Tillis, McCrory and Berger: Turning Back The Clock On NC Schools.”
Then came the first line: 

“Last week, Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly decided to challenge a court ruling on pre-kindergarten access could lead to an appeal of the landmark Leandro school-quality case.” (Sic.)

It’s ungrammatical. Also nonsensical, incomprehensible and, thus, totally ineffective.

Lest you think it was just a bad start, read the second line:

“A recent court ruling overturned the Republican’s attempt to charge the parents of at-risk children a premium fee to send their 4 year olds to pre-K programs offered by public schools. Now, in GOP challange (sic) to that ruling, Senate Republican leader Phil Berger’s chief of staff said in a memo to Senate Republicans that, by appealing the ruling, the GOP’s ultimate goal of overturning the Leandro case could be a possible benefit of such action.”

During Jim Hunt’s first year as Governor, he sent out a memo calling for all government documents to be written in “Rock Ridge” – that is, a style easily understood by his neighbors.
This email won’t get anybody in Rock Ridge, Roanoke Rapids or, for that matter, Raleigh riled up.

Apart from the poor writing, the author assumes that everybody immediately knows what the Leandro case is and the implications.

Trust me: they don’t.

This won’t cut it, my fellow Democrats. Nor will going over the top, as Parker did when he accused Paul Coble of “vicious fanaticism,” a la Jesse Helms.

Now, Coble may be Helms’ nephew. And he may have similar views. And there’s probably a lot he’s done and believes that Democrats can attack. But he’s not a vicious fanatic.
The biggest victims of that attack are Parker and the Democrats.
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Gary Pearce

