“Last week, Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly decided to challenge a court ruling on pre-kindergarten access could lead to an appeal of the landmark Leandro school-quality case.” (Sic.)
“A recent court ruling overturned the Republican’s attempt to charge the parents of at-risk children a premium fee to send their 4 year olds to pre-K programs offered by public schools. Now, in GOP challange (sic) to that ruling, Senate Republican leader Phil Berger’s chief of staff said in a memo to Senate Republicans that, by appealing the ruling, the GOP’s ultimate goal of overturning the Leandro case could be a possible benefit of such action.”
Apart from the poor writing, the author assumes that everybody immediately knows what the Leandro case is and the implications.
Trust me: they don’t.
This won’t cut it, my fellow Democrats. Nor will going over the top, as Parker did when he accused Paul Coble of “vicious fanaticism,” a la Jesse Helms.


“Last week, Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly decided to challenge a court ruling on pre-kindergarten access could lead to an appeal of the landmark Leandro school-quality case.” (Sic.)
“A recent court ruling overturned the Republican’s attempt to charge the parents of at-risk children a premium fee to send their 4 year olds to pre-K programs offered by public schools. Now, in GOP challange (sic) to that ruling, Senate Republican leader Phil Berger’s chief of staff said in a memo to Senate Republicans that, by appealing the ruling, the GOP’s ultimate goal of overturning the Leandro case could be a possible benefit of such action.”
Apart from the poor writing, the author assumes that everybody immediately knows what the Leandro case is and the implications.
Trust me: they don’t.
This won’t cut it, my fellow Democrats. Nor will going over the top, as Parker did when he accused Paul Coble of “vicious fanaticism,” a la Jesse Helms.