How to Win Friends Political Style (It Beats Dale Carnegie)
October 10, 2011 - by
It didn’t work out too well when Congress went into the home loan business a couple of years ago – so it seems odd the Raleigh City Council wants to do the same thing.
However, just about everyone in town seems to think passing a bond to borrow millions so the Council can make home loans is a good idea.
Mayor Charlie Meeker praised the plan and former Mayor Smedes York called it an example of the best ‘forward thinking’ since integration. Another gentleman, listing all the benefits of the Council’s plan in the newspaper, said it will create jobs, reduce crime, end traffic jams, help students learn and provide a blessing to the elderly and disabled.
Of course, there’re a couple of other fine reasons for the plan if you’re a City Councilman: Loaning money to people who might be unable to get a loan otherwise is a sure way to make friends who may remember your kindness and vote for you. And if you happen to have a contributor who’s in the home building business, well, being able to make home loans – while you’re on the city council – has an obvious virtue.
The city borrowing millions so it can go into the home loan business is so popular even Dr. Randall Williams, the Republican candidate supported by former Republican Mayors Tom Fetzer and Paul Coble, says he’s foursquare for it – even though the city is already a billion dollars in debt.

How to Win Friends Political Style (It Beats Dale Carnegie)
October 10, 2011/

It didn’t work out too well when Congress went into the home loan business a couple of years ago – so it seems odd the Raleigh City Council wants to do the same thing.
However, just about everyone in town seems to think passing a bond to borrow millions so the Council can make home loans is a good idea.
Mayor Charlie Meeker praised the plan and former Mayor Smedes York called it an example of the best ‘forward thinking’ since integration. Another gentleman, listing all the benefits of the Council’s plan in the newspaper, said it will create jobs, reduce crime, end traffic jams, help students learn and provide a blessing to the elderly and disabled.
Of course, there’re a couple of other fine reasons for the plan if you’re a City Councilman: Loaning money to people who might be unable to get a loan otherwise is a sure way to make friends who may remember your kindness and vote for you. And if you happen to have a contributor who’s in the home building business, well, being able to make home loans – while you’re on the city council – has an obvious virtue.
The city borrowing millions so it can go into the home loan business is so popular even Dr. Randall Williams, the Republican candidate supported by former Republican Mayors Tom Fetzer and Paul Coble, says he’s foursquare for it – even though the city is already a billion dollars in debt.