How Politics Works
July 10, 2012 - by
It probably seemed like a good idea at the time: A group of people building a swimming complex in Cary hired an architect, Kenn Gardner, who was also a County Commissioner, who as Commissioner had been advocating for a government subsidy for their complex.
But, in the end, it didn’t work out well at all: The ‘Swimming Complex Builders’ didn’t get their government subsidy – but did get a $244,000 bill from Architect-Commissioner Gardner. Who they later sued.
And it didn’t work out well for Commissioner Gardner either. Back when he was advocating for the subsidy he’d told the News & Observer he had no financial interest whatsoever in the swimming complex. He did. Got caught. And lost reelection.
Now Mr. Gardner’s running for Secretary of State in the Republican Primary Run-off next week.
Back in the 1960’s his opponent in the upcoming run-off, Ed Goodwin, got drafted straight off his family farm near Edenton into the Vietnam War, then served two decades in the Naval Crime Investigative Services (the famed NCIS of the TV program), where among other things he chased terrorists.
When he retired Goodwin returned to Edenton. Now he’s running for Secretary of State and Kenn Gardner’s telling Republican voters to give Goodwin the boot in the run-off because he spent his career working “as a government bureaucrat.”
That would come as a shock to Mark Harmon.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

How Politics Works
July 10, 2012/

It probably seemed like a good idea at the time: A group of people building a swimming complex in Cary hired an architect, Kenn Gardner, who was also a County Commissioner, who as Commissioner had been advocating for a government subsidy for their complex.
But, in the end, it didn’t work out well at all: The ‘Swimming Complex Builders’ didn’t get their government subsidy – but did get a $244,000 bill from Architect-Commissioner Gardner. Who they later sued.
And it didn’t work out well for Commissioner Gardner either. Back when he was advocating for the subsidy he’d told the News & Observer he had no financial interest whatsoever in the swimming complex. He did. Got caught. And lost reelection.
Now Mr. Gardner’s running for Secretary of State in the Republican Primary Run-off next week.
Back in the 1960’s his opponent in the upcoming run-off, Ed Goodwin, got drafted straight off his family farm near Edenton into the Vietnam War, then served two decades in the Naval Crime Investigative Services (the famed NCIS of the TV program), where among other things he chased terrorists.
When he retired Goodwin returned to Edenton. Now he’s running for Secretary of State and Kenn Gardner’s telling Republican voters to give Goodwin the boot in the run-off because he spent his career working “as a government bureaucrat.”
That would come as a shock to Mark Harmon.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans