How McCrory Can Win
Pat McCrory was always the Republicans’ best bet to win the Governor’s race in November.
But how can he win in what may be a Democratic year?
There is only one way: Use Obama’s strategy. Be the candidate of Change.
Attack “a culture of corruption and mismanagement in
He doesn’t have to overstate things. Stating the facts will do: A Speaker in prison, legislators forced to resign, a state lottery conceived in sin, mental health care in disarray, a probation system in disarray, etc.
And he can exploit the poisonous relationship between the press and government.
Bev Perdue has strengths. She is a woman, she is experienced and she owns the health care issue. She has the best team of campaign pros in
But she is widely seen as a brittle candidate – who may not stand up to a smart, sustained attack. (Richard Moore’s was sustained, but not smart. He could hardly run against
Perdue could try again to keep it all positive. But that works only when the attacks are personal. It won’t work against attacks based on changing
McCrory has smart people, too. I bet they figure out the attack-Raleigh part.
But McCrory also has to offer something positive, something that appeals to Independents and even Democrats.
Here is what I would do: Propose raising teachers’ salaries in
That’s right: Every teacher in
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How McCrory Can Win

Pat McCrory was always the Republicans’ best bet to win the Governor’s race in November.
But how can he win in what may be a Democratic year?
There is only one way: Use Obama’s strategy. Be the candidate of Change.
Attack “a culture of corruption and mismanagement in
He doesn’t have to overstate things. Stating the facts will do: A Speaker in prison, legislators forced to resign, a state lottery conceived in sin, mental health care in disarray, a probation system in disarray, etc.
And he can exploit the poisonous relationship between the press and government.
Bev Perdue has strengths. She is a woman, she is experienced and she owns the health care issue. She has the best team of campaign pros in
But she is widely seen as a brittle candidate – who may not stand up to a smart, sustained attack. (Richard Moore’s was sustained, but not smart. He could hardly run against
Perdue could try again to keep it all positive. But that works only when the attacks are personal. It won’t work against attacks based on changing
McCrory has smart people, too. I bet they figure out the attack-Raleigh part.
But McCrory also has to offer something positive, something that appeals to Independents and even Democrats.
Here is what I would do: Propose raising teachers’ salaries in
That’s right: Every teacher in
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