Trump’s porn star/hush money/fraud indictment brings hope and fear.
Hope that the law finally will catch up with him, that Republican primary voters finally will turn against him and that, even if he wins the nomination, he’ll lose the election so badly he’ll lead the GOP to its worst shellacking since the post-Watergate election of 1974
Fear that he once again will slip away from justice, that the indictment will help him by firing up his base and keeping the cameras on him, that his Republican rivals will look good in spring training but shrink and shrivel when he starts throwing at their heads, that he’ll win the nomination and the election and that America will slide into a dark abyss of authoritarianism.
I’m going with hope.
One ray of hope is a poll last December of likely Republican primary voters in North Carolina. Only 36% wanted Trump to run again. More than half, 52%, wanted someone else.
Jim Blaine, the Republican consultant who did the poll, said Republican voters have no use for “the baggage that he brings.”
Trump has more baggage than Delta.
If you gave a truth serum to the Republican politicians who denounce Trump’s indictment, many no doubt would say: “Yes, please. Indict him. Convict him. Lock him up. I don’t care if it’s for littering. Just make him go away.”
If the courts or Republicans don’t make him go away, America’s guardrail is President Biden.
Pray for Biden. And have hope.


Trump’s porn star/hush money/fraud indictment brings hope and fear.
Hope that the law finally will catch up with him, that Republican primary voters finally will turn against him and that, even if he wins the nomination, he’ll lose the election so badly he’ll lead the GOP to its worst shellacking since the post-Watergate election of 1974
Fear that he once again will slip away from justice, that the indictment will help him by firing up his base and keeping the cameras on him, that his Republican rivals will look good in spring training but shrink and shrivel when he starts throwing at their heads, that he’ll win the nomination and the election and that America will slide into a dark abyss of authoritarianism.
I’m going with hope.
One ray of hope is a poll last December of likely Republican primary voters in North Carolina. Only 36% wanted Trump to run again. More than half, 52%, wanted someone else.
Jim Blaine, the Republican consultant who did the poll, said Republican voters have no use for “the baggage that he brings.”
Trump has more baggage than Delta.
If you gave a truth serum to the Republican politicians who denounce Trump’s indictment, many no doubt would say: “Yes, please. Indict him. Convict him. Lock him up. I don’t care if it’s for littering. Just make him go away.”
If the courts or Republicans don’t make him go away, America’s guardrail is President Biden.
Pray for Biden. And have hope.