Hitting the Foul Shots
The final weeks of a campaign are like the final minutes of a basketball game: If you’re behind, you start fouling.
Richard Moore is fouling Bev Perdue – hard. But nothing flagrant; it’s part of the game.
Cullen Browder at WRAL-TV asked whether
Yes. Anything that bears on a candidate’s character is fair game. And the clip in which Perdue says she could not remember whether she had been drinking – or “may” have had a glass of wine – is bad.
The ad could be damaging Perdue by implicitly linking her to the whiff (or stench, depending on your viewpoint) of corruption and criminal investigations in
If you’re not in a campaign – with weekly and daily tracking polls – it’s hard to know what is really going on. And Public Policy Polling has everybody confused with the swings between a 27-point lead for Perdue and a virtual tie.
But Perdue insiders concede
Perdue and her campaign will have to hit their foul shots the next five weeks.
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Hitting the Foul Shots
The final weeks of a campaign are like the final minutes of a basketball game: If you’re behind, you start fouling.
Richard Moore is fouling Bev Perdue – hard. But nothing flagrant; it’s part of the game.
Cullen Browder at WRAL-TV asked whether
Yes. Anything that bears on a candidate’s character is fair game. And the clip in which Perdue says she could not remember whether she had been drinking – or “may” have had a glass of wine – is bad.
The ad could be damaging Perdue by implicitly linking her to the whiff (or stench, depending on your viewpoint) of corruption and criminal investigations in
If you’re not in a campaign – with weekly and daily tracking polls – it’s hard to know what is really going on. And Public Policy Polling has everybody confused with the swings between a 27-point lead for Perdue and a virtual tie.
But Perdue insiders concede
Perdue and her campaign will have to hit their foul shots the next five weeks.
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