History Repeating Itself
The Basiji Force is a militia group in
Not long ago six members of ‘the Force’ were convicted of five murders in an Iranian court. (News and Observer; 4-19-07). That sounds like a problem for President Ah’madinejad’s ‘Brownshirts,’ but it wasn’t because the Iranian Supreme Court reversed the verdicts. Why? Because the Basiji Force argued their victims were ‘morally corrupt’ and, therefore, under Islamic teaching and Iranian law they had the right to kill them.
Their last two victims were a young couple who were engaged to be married. According to their murderers, their moral corruption was “walking together in public.”
If anyone doubts the superiority of western law and tradition – at least compared to Islamic law as it is practiced in
When she left
A week after Speaker Pelosi offered to negotiate with
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History Repeating Itself

The Basiji Force is a militia group in
Not long ago six members of ‘the Force’ were convicted of five murders in an Iranian court. (News and Observer; 4-19-07). That sounds like a problem for President Ah’madinejad’s ‘Brownshirts,’ but it wasn’t because the Iranian Supreme Court reversed the verdicts. Why? Because the Basiji Force argued their victims were ‘morally corrupt’ and, therefore, under Islamic teaching and Iranian law they had the right to kill them.
Their last two victims were a young couple who were engaged to be married. According to their murderers, their moral corruption was “walking together in public.”
If anyone doubts the superiority of western law and tradition – at least compared to Islamic law as it is practiced in
When she left
A week after Speaker Pelosi offered to negotiate with
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.