Heckuva Job, Nicky?
ABC News reports that the Veterans Administration came up with a plan two years ago to make sure that American troops injured in
Then President Bush appointed Jim Nicholson Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Nicholson’s background: former Chairman of the Republican National Committee and Ambassador to the
A political hack, in other words.
Once Nicholson came in, the “seamless transition plan” fell through the cracks. Nothing happened. Wounded men and women not only couldn’t get medical care, they couldn’t get the time of day from the VA bureaucracy.
Asked on camera what happened to the plan, Nicholson looked stumped. Finally he admitted he didn’t know what it was.
We shouldn’t be surprised. This is, after all, the same administration that promised Katrina relief.
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Heckuva Job, Nicky?

ABC News reports that the Veterans Administration came up with a plan two years ago to make sure that American troops injured in
Then President Bush appointed Jim Nicholson Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Nicholson’s background: former Chairman of the Republican National Committee and Ambassador to the
A political hack, in other words.
Once Nicholson came in, the “seamless transition plan” fell through the cracks. Nothing happened. Wounded men and women not only couldn’t get medical care, they couldn’t get the time of day from the VA bureaucracy.
Asked on camera what happened to the plan, Nicholson looked stumped. Finally he admitted he didn’t know what it was.
We shouldn’t be surprised. This is, after all, the same administration that promised Katrina relief.
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.