Nancy Pelosi once called Donald Trump “the most dangerous person in the history of our country.”
And that was before he set a violent mob on the Capitol to overturn an election.
Now he’s back. And he’s worse than before.
He promises us “retribution.”
After the 2016 election, I asked a Republican friend, no fan of Trump, to explain Trump’s appeal to his base.
He said, “It’s very simple. Trump is fighting the people they hate.”
That’s what it’s about.
I’m reminded of what Hunter Thompson, the late, great Gonzo journalist, wrote about Richard Nixon:
“(He) represents that dark, venal and incurably violent side of the American character that almost every country in the world has learned to fear and despise…. He speaks for the Werewolf in us; the bully, the predatory shyster who turns into something unspeakable, full of claws and bleeding string-warts on nights when the moon comes too close.”
Once again, the moon comes too close.


Nancy Pelosi once called Donald Trump “the most dangerous person in the history of our country.”
And that was before he set a violent mob on the Capitol to overturn an election.
Now he’s back. And he’s worse than before.
He promises us “retribution.”
After the 2016 election, I asked a Republican friend, no fan of Trump, to explain Trump’s appeal to his base.
He said, “It’s very simple. Trump is fighting the people they hate.”
That’s what it’s about.
I’m reminded of what Hunter Thompson, the late, great Gonzo journalist, wrote about Richard Nixon:
“(He) represents that dark, venal and incurably violent side of the American character that almost every country in the world has learned to fear and despise…. He speaks for the Werewolf in us; the bully, the predatory shyster who turns into something unspeakable, full of claws and bleeding string-warts on nights when the moon comes too close.”
Once again, the moon comes too close.