Hackney Steps Up
After I posted my blog yesterday calling on Speaker Joe Hackney to clean the House of Thomas Wright, the Speaker did the right thing.
(I don’t have any illusion that my blog is responsible, by the way.)
By speaking out quickly – calling for an ethics investigation and a special session – Hackney met the challenge he faced after Wright was indicted.
Hackney will catch hell now from Wright’s friends. He’ll probably even be threatened with loss of the speakership as retribution.
But – with one blow – he stopped the bleeding, reassured the public and looked like a leader.
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Hackney Steps Up

After I posted my blog yesterday calling on Speaker Joe Hackney to clean the House of Thomas Wright, the Speaker did the right thing.
(I don’t have any illusion that my blog is responsible, by the way.)
By speaking out quickly – calling for an ethics investigation and a special session – Hackney met the challenge he faced after Wright was indicted.
Hackney will catch hell now from Wright’s friends. He’ll probably even be threatened with loss of the speakership as retribution.
But – with one blow – he stopped the bleeding, reassured the public and looked like a leader.
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