Got Tickets?
March 15, 2013 - by
A long-time Raleigh lobbyist recalls the days when legislators helped themselves to ACC tournament tickets – courtesy of lobbyists and special interests.
Every year about this time, the demand was so strong that lobbyists felt like Ticketmaster or StubHub.
One mountain legislator – a Democrat, I should add – was especially insistent. He absolutely had to have two tickets. He was desperate. It was a matter of great state importance.
The lobbyist scrambled to oblige. He was able to get the tickets and deliver them to the legislator.
The day of the tournament, the lobbyist arrived at Greensboro Coliseum. There stood the legislator, holding up the tickets and calling to the crowd: “Tickets here. Anybody need two tickets?”

Got Tickets?
March 15, 2013/

A long-time Raleigh lobbyist recalls the days when legislators helped themselves to ACC tournament tickets – courtesy of lobbyists and special interests.
Every year about this time, the demand was so strong that lobbyists felt like Ticketmaster or StubHub.
One mountain legislator – a Democrat, I should add – was especially insistent. He absolutely had to have two tickets. He was desperate. It was a matter of great state importance.
The lobbyist scrambled to oblige. He was able to get the tickets and deliver them to the legislator.
The day of the tournament, the lobbyist arrived at Greensboro Coliseum. There stood the legislator, holding up the tickets and calling to the crowd: “Tickets here. Anybody need two tickets?”