Good News
October 14, 2010 - by
Things are looking up for us news hawks.
These days, I have to read my favorite daily newspaper very s-l-o-w-l-y to make it last through breakfast.
But as soon as I turn on my computer, I have two new websites to go to for more political fodder: M2M Politics (“Covering North Carolina Politics from Manteo to Murphy”) and North Carolina Independent News (“State Politics in Context”).
M2M, I’m told (I’m just a blogger; I don’t do any independent reporting or fact-checking, you understand) is a project of Freedom Newspapers and capital reporter Barry Smith. It reports on polls, who’s up and who’s down in politics, inside scoop and stories from various publications.
NC Independent News, features ex-N&O staffer Ned Barnett and (again I’m told) is backed by Dean Debnam of the addictive Public Policy Polling fame. It appears to be part of a national web group. Again, heavy on polls (PPP, specifically), original reporting and summaries of other stories.
A side note: When I first looked at NC Independent News, it had so many ads from Republican candidates that I thought it might be an elephant in sheep’s clothing. But that’s apparently because Republicans either are targeting the sites or have so much money they’re throwing it everywhere.
Speaking of money, I know nothing of the sites’ business models – and future prospects. But I hope they’re bright, because they’re welcome in my world.

Good News
October 14, 2010/

Things are looking up for us news hawks.
These days, I have to read my favorite daily newspaper very s-l-o-w-l-y to make it last through breakfast.
But as soon as I turn on my computer, I have two new websites to go to for more political fodder: M2M Politics (“Covering North Carolina Politics from Manteo to Murphy”) and North Carolina Independent News (“State Politics in Context”).
M2M, I’m told (I’m just a blogger; I don’t do any independent reporting or fact-checking, you understand) is a project of Freedom Newspapers and capital reporter Barry Smith. It reports on polls, who’s up and who’s down in politics, inside scoop and stories from various publications.
NC Independent News, features ex-N&O staffer Ned Barnett and (again I’m told) is backed by Dean Debnam of the addictive Public Policy Polling fame. It appears to be part of a national web group. Again, heavy on polls (PPP, specifically), original reporting and summaries of other stories.
A side note: When I first looked at NC Independent News, it had so many ads from Republican candidates that I thought it might be an elephant in sheep’s clothing. But that’s apparently because Republicans either are targeting the sites or have so much money they’re throwing it everywhere.
Speaking of money, I know nothing of the sites’ business models – and future prospects. But I hope they’re bright, because they’re welcome in my world.