Gold Bars
Well, Democrats are using the Justice Department as a weapon again – but this time they threw Republicans a curveball: After FBI agents found envelopes stuffed with cash, shining gold bars, and a Mercedes convertible at his home he didn’t pay for, they indicted a Democrat for taking bribes.
When Trump says Biden’s using the Justice Department as a weapon to sink him, Republicans cheer. So did the same Justice Department just turn itself into a bi-partisan weapon by indicting Democrat Senator Bob Menendez?

Gold Bars

Well, Democrats are using the Justice Department as a weapon again – but this time they threw Republicans a curveball: After FBI agents found envelopes stuffed with cash, shining gold bars, and a Mercedes convertible at his home he didn’t pay for, they indicted a Democrat for taking bribes.
When Trump says Biden’s using the Justice Department as a weapon to sink him, Republicans cheer. So did the same Justice Department just turn itself into a bi-partisan weapon by indicting Democrat Senator Bob Menendez?