Go East
October 15, 2009 - by
Governor Perdue is getting some criticism for going to China and Japan during a budget crisis.
The criticism is short-sighted.
In a global economy – especially in these economic times – a governor needs to be going around the world selling the state.
Mike Easley was criticized for not doing enough selling. So now Perdue is criticized for doing too much?
Just one piece of advice, Governor. Learn from the Easleys’ Russia trip. Watch the expenses.
One story about luxury hotel rooms or expensive meals will overshadow a dozen economic announcements.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Go East
October 15, 2009/

Governor Perdue is getting some criticism for going to China and Japan during a budget crisis.
The criticism is short-sighted.
In a global economy – especially in these economic times – a governor needs to be going around the world selling the state.
Mike Easley was criticized for not doing enough selling. So now Perdue is criticized for doing too much?
Just one piece of advice, Governor. Learn from the Easleys’ Russia trip. Watch the expenses.
One story about luxury hotel rooms or expensive meals will overshadow a dozen economic announcements.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats