Give now – before it’s too late!

If you ever gave a politician money – or your email address – your Inbox was flooded this weekend with desperate, pleading messages. Midnight Saturday was the end of the first-quarter fundraising period, and apparently there’s nothing like a deadline to motivate donors.

Here are a few of the weekend pitches:

“Big Deadline Looming: My campaign manager tells me that we are only $1,000 away from hitting our goal and we need your help.”

“We still need to raise $517 to hit our goal, and if you haven’t given yet, I would really appreciate your donation before midnight.”

One came from Nevada, subject line: “We can only win if….”

One said I’m important! “You are important – Did you get this email? We’re just hours from our major FEC deadline.”

Some were dire: “Time is running out.”

Some lost me: “In less than 36 hours, our first deadline of 2018 will come to a close, and we are making waves.”

Some were persistent: “Circling back on Nikki’s email yesterday — if you haven’t had a chance to give, now’s the time.”

This one felt my pain: “I know you’re probably getting tons of political emails right now. I wouldn’t be emailing if it weren’t important, though. Tonight is our fundraising deadline, and we’re still behind on our budget targets.”

Myself, I’m still behind on my weekend emails.

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Gary Pearce



Give now – before it’s too late!

If you ever gave a politician money – or your email address – your Inbox was flooded this weekend with desperate, pleading messages. Midnight Saturday was the end of the first-quarter fundraising period, and apparently there’s nothing like a deadline to motivate donors.

Here are a few of the weekend pitches:

“Big Deadline Looming: My campaign manager tells me that we are only $1,000 away from hitting our goal and we need your help.”

“We still need to raise $517 to hit our goal, and if you haven’t given yet, I would really appreciate your donation before midnight.”

One came from Nevada, subject line: “We can only win if….”

One said I’m important! “You are important – Did you get this email? We’re just hours from our major FEC deadline.”

Some were dire: “Time is running out.”

Some lost me: “In less than 36 hours, our first deadline of 2018 will come to a close, and we are making waves.”

Some were persistent: “Circling back on Nikki’s email yesterday — if you haven’t had a chance to give, now’s the time.”

This one felt my pain: “I know you’re probably getting tons of political emails right now. I wouldn’t be emailing if it weren’t important, though. Tonight is our fundraising deadline, and we’re still behind on our budget targets.”

Myself, I’m still behind on my weekend emails.

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Gary Pearce

