Getting Personal
I’m afraid my Democrats still don’t get it: politics is about character, not policy.
You think we’d learn after Al Gore and John Kerry. But no. The cycle repeats itself this election cycle.
Democrats all over the country, it seems to me, are running ads attacking Republicans on complex policy issues.
Republicans, in the final days, run ads that have one goal: make the Democrat simply unacceptable to voters. And stir up the base.
That’s what the “white girl/Playboy party” ad against Harold Ford in
That’s what Robin Hayes’ ad against Larry Kissell (“Wrong”) is about.
That’s what
Maybe the tide is strong enough that those attacks won’t work this year. I hope. Regardless, they’ll be back in 2008.
Democrats need to learn (how long, Lord, how long?) that politics is not an NPR, political science discussion.
It has become a reality show. It’s about which candidate the voters like and trust. It’s about character.
It’s about time we learned.

Getting Personal

I’m afraid my Democrats still don’t get it: politics is about character, not policy.
You think we’d learn after Al Gore and John Kerry. But no. The cycle repeats itself this election cycle.
Democrats all over the country, it seems to me, are running ads attacking Republicans on complex policy issues.
Republicans, in the final days, run ads that have one goal: make the Democrat simply unacceptable to voters. And stir up the base.
That’s what the “white girl/Playboy party” ad against Harold Ford in
That’s what Robin Hayes’ ad against Larry Kissell (“Wrong”) is about.
That’s what
Maybe the tide is strong enough that those attacks won’t work this year. I hope. Regardless, they’ll be back in 2008.
Democrats need to learn (how long, Lord, how long?) that politics is not an NPR, political science discussion.
It has become a reality show. It’s about which candidate the voters like and trust. It’s about character.
It’s about time we learned.