
Donald Trump’s Big Lie is the father of today’s Republican gerrymandering in North Carolina.

It’s the same authoritarian, democracy-denying DNA.

Duke professor Jonathan Mattingly, who analyzed the Republicans’ new redistricting plan here, concluded, “The maps the legislature have proposed essentially negate the need to have elections for the U.S. House of Representatives.”

Trump and MAGA Republicans tried to overturn a presidential election.

Now they “negate” elections.

The GOP is saying to voters: “You don’t matter. Only our power matters.”

The upshot: North Carolina may send three or four more Republicans to join the Chaos Caucus in Congress.

For three weeks, they’ve failed to elect a Speaker (photo).

No wonder they don’t want free elections. They suck at them.

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Gary Pearce




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Donald Trump’s Big Lie is the father of today’s Republican gerrymandering in North Carolina.

It’s the same authoritarian, democracy-denying DNA.

Duke professor Jonathan Mattingly, who analyzed the Republicans’ new redistricting plan here, concluded, “The maps the legislature have proposed essentially negate the need to have elections for the U.S. House of Representatives.”

Trump and MAGA Republicans tried to overturn a presidential election.

Now they “negate” elections.

The GOP is saying to voters: “You don’t matter. Only our power matters.”

The upshot: North Carolina may send three or four more Republicans to join the Chaos Caucus in Congress.

For three weeks, they’ve failed to elect a Speaker (photo).

No wonder they don’t want free elections. They suck at them.

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Gary Pearce

