Fox Latest Poll

One day a Fox News pundit said Trump’s lead over Biden, set in stone, ‘won’t budge.’ The next day Fox News released a new poll: Biden led Trump. For the first time since last year.

Trump tore into Fox, called its poll: ‘Trash.’

For eight months Trump led Biden in every Fox poll. What changed? Trump’s vote with Independents dropped 11 points.

95% of Democrats still voted for Biden. 95% of Republicans still voted for Trump. But Independents shifted away from Trump to Biden

That change is a warning to Trump – and a sign to the rest of us to take what we hear pundits say on TV with a grain of salt.

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Carter Wrenn




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Fox Latest Poll


One day a Fox News pundit said Trump’s lead over Biden, set in stone, ‘won’t budge.’ The next day Fox News released a new poll: Biden led Trump. For the first time since last year.

Trump tore into Fox, called its poll: ‘Trash.’

For eight months Trump led Biden in every Fox poll. What changed? Trump’s vote with Independents dropped 11 points.

95% of Democrats still voted for Biden. 95% of Republicans still voted for Trump. But Independents shifted away from Trump to Biden

That change is a warning to Trump – and a sign to the rest of us to take what we hear pundits say on TV with a grain of salt.

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Carter Wrenn

