Forward, March on the City Council
One of the odder commentaries I’ve seen on the
I suspect the attraction wasn’t the uniforms. In fact, the writer seemed more to be peeved by Taliaferro’s political independence – and effectiveness – on the council. She’s shown an ability to build coalitions and muster majorities.
I confess to being less objective here than in most blogs about politicians. I’ve known Taliaferro since she worked at
She’s a breath of fresh air in
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Forward, March on the City Council

One of the odder commentaries I’ve seen on the
I suspect the attraction wasn’t the uniforms. In fact, the writer seemed more to be peeved by Taliaferro’s political independence – and effectiveness – on the council. She’s shown an ability to build coalitions and muster majorities.
I confess to being less objective here than in most blogs about politicians. I’ve known Taliaferro since she worked at
She’s a breath of fresh air in
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.