For President…
April 7, 2011 - by
Good Lord! This is truly hair-curling.
NBC News and the Wall Street Journal have taken a poll and real estate developer turned reality show star Donald Trump is in second place in the Republican Primary for President.
It’s enough to shake your faith in democracy – almost a fifth of the Republican Primary voters say they will vote to make Donald Trump our next President.
Trump trails Mitt Romney by four points and is tied for second with Mike Huckabee.

For President…
April 7, 2011/

Good Lord! This is truly hair-curling.
NBC News and the Wall Street Journal have taken a poll and real estate developer turned reality show star Donald Trump is in second place in the Republican Primary for President.
It’s enough to shake your faith in democracy – almost a fifth of the Republican Primary voters say they will vote to make Donald Trump our next President.
Trump trails Mitt Romney by four points and is tied for second with Mike Huckabee.