Foley Questions: Who Knew What When?
The question in the Foley scandal is not what former Congressman Tom Foley did but when House Speaker Dennis Hastert and other Republican leaders knew about it.
Foley’s former aide, Kirk Fordham, says he told the Speaker’s Chief of Staff “about Foley’s approaches to male pages” three years ago. (News and Observer; 10-13-06). Hastert and his Chief of Staff, say, Not so. They say the staff learned about Foley a year ago, and that Hastert only learned a month ago. But, then, Republican Majority Leader, John Boehner, contradicted that and said he discussed ‘the Foley situation’ with Hastert last spring.
So the explanations range from three years ago, to one year, to last spring, to last month. So, naturally, people are wondering, Did Speaker Hastert act promptly? That’s where the First Act of the Foley scandal has ended. Stay tuned for the Second Act. It’s titled: Who Knew What When.

Foley Questions: Who Knew What When?

The question in the Foley scandal is not what former Congressman Tom Foley did but when House Speaker Dennis Hastert and other Republican leaders knew about it.
Foley’s former aide, Kirk Fordham, says he told the Speaker’s Chief of Staff “about Foley’s approaches to male pages” three years ago. (News and Observer; 10-13-06). Hastert and his Chief of Staff, say, Not so. They say the staff learned about Foley a year ago, and that Hastert only learned a month ago. But, then, Republican Majority Leader, John Boehner, contradicted that and said he discussed ‘the Foley situation’ with Hastert last spring.
So the explanations range from three years ago, to one year, to last spring, to last month. So, naturally, people are wondering, Did Speaker Hastert act promptly? That’s where the First Act of the Foley scandal has ended. Stay tuned for the Second Act. It’s titled: Who Knew What When.