Flimsy Perdue
October 7, 2009 - by
Here’s one reason Bev Perdue has collapsed in the polls: Today’s headline in the News and Observer reads – Perdue Too Busy on Trip to Back Health Reform.
The Governor told the press she was too busy on a trip to New York to join other Democratic Governors in signing a letter to support health care reform. This dodge is so superficial it’s flimsy as gauze. How long would it have taken Perdue to read the letter – five minutes? All Perdue had to say was, Well, I don’t agree but she couldn’t bring herself to take a stand and straddled the fence.
And, of course, everyone – Republicans, Democrats, Independents – can see through this paper-thin dodge.
The Governor’s answer was superficial and so silly – it ended up in a banner headline in the newspaper.

Flimsy Perdue
October 7, 2009/

Here’s one reason Bev Perdue has collapsed in the polls: Today’s headline in the News and Observer reads – Perdue Too Busy on Trip to Back Health Reform.
The Governor told the press she was too busy on a trip to New York to join other Democratic Governors in signing a letter to support health care reform. This dodge is so superficial it’s flimsy as gauze. How long would it have taken Perdue to read the letter – five minutes? All Perdue had to say was, Well, I don’t agree but she couldn’t bring herself to take a stand and straddled the fence.
And, of course, everyone – Republicans, Democrats, Independents – can see through this paper-thin dodge.
The Governor’s answer was superficial and so silly – it ended up in a banner headline in the newspaper.