Flights of Fancy
February 25, 2010 - by
The State Democratic Party gets an A+ for rapid response this week.
I blogged last week that the N&O overplayed Tom Fetzer’s questions about Governor Perdue’s campaign flights.
The research rats at Democratic HQ then turned up questions about Pat McCrory’s campaign flights. That led to an N&O headline – the same size and same placement that Fetzer got.
That led in turn to responses from McCrory’s campaign that led to even more questions, which were the subject of a second hit from Democratic HQ.
It’s complicated. But it involves a mysterious bank payment of more than $25,000, the disappearance of a $4,000 contribution, contradictory reports about contributions and disbursements and conflicting explanations about what was paid when.
You can read it all right here.
Big-shot consultants and big-name pollsters usually get the attention in politics. As far as I’m concerned, the grunts who do this kind of research – and counterpunching – are the real heroes.
By getting a tie out of this one, Democrats get a win.

Flights of Fancy
February 25, 2010/

The State Democratic Party gets an A+ for rapid response this week.
I blogged last week that the N&O overplayed Tom Fetzer’s questions about Governor Perdue’s campaign flights.
The research rats at Democratic HQ then turned up questions about Pat McCrory’s campaign flights. That led to an N&O headline – the same size and same placement that Fetzer got.
That led in turn to responses from McCrory’s campaign that led to even more questions, which were the subject of a second hit from Democratic HQ.
It’s complicated. But it involves a mysterious bank payment of more than $25,000, the disappearance of a $4,000 contribution, contradictory reports about contributions and disbursements and conflicting explanations about what was paid when.
You can read it all right here.
Big-shot consultants and big-name pollsters usually get the attention in politics. As far as I’m concerned, the grunts who do this kind of research – and counterpunching – are the real heroes.
By getting a tie out of this one, Democrats get a win.