Flags and Whipping Boys for the 4th
Here are two appropriate topics for my Fourth of July post: flag-burning and The New York Times.
The two have this in common: They are the Republicans’ latest ploy to avoid an election disaster in November.
Since W can’t catch Osama, pacify
Apparently, he thinks our nation is not strong enough to withstand however many real flag-burners there are – or stand knowing some facts about how government is snooping on us all in the name of keeping us safe.
For my part, I’d rather take my chances knowing what the government is up to. Maybe there are some anti-big government conservatives among you who not only trust Big Government, but also trust it to tell you you need to know. Not me.
As for the flag-burners, their very offensiveness is the best argument for letting them have at it.
I believe Old Glory, the Bill of Rights and the nation will do just fine with no flag-burning amendment and a little more sunshine on

Flags and Whipping Boys for the 4th

Here are two appropriate topics for my Fourth of July post: flag-burning and The New York Times.
The two have this in common: They are the Republicans’ latest ploy to avoid an election disaster in November.
Since W can’t catch Osama, pacify
Apparently, he thinks our nation is not strong enough to withstand however many real flag-burners there are – or stand knowing some facts about how government is snooping on us all in the name of keeping us safe.
For my part, I’d rather take my chances knowing what the government is up to. Maybe there are some anti-big government conservatives among you who not only trust Big Government, but also trust it to tell you you need to know. Not me.
As for the flag-burners, their very offensiveness is the best argument for letting them have at it.
I believe Old Glory, the Bill of Rights and the nation will do just fine with no flag-burning amendment and a little more sunshine on