Firing back

When companies like Delta, Dick’s, WalMart and Kroger adopt their own gun control laws, you can bet public opinion is changing. And you can count on the NRA and its wholly owned Republican politicians firing back. A TAPster offers these thoughts on what happened to Delta in Georgia:

“It’s been a scary couple of years as political dignity, discourse and common sense have completely evaporated. But nothing has been as troubling, perhaps terrifying, as the speed with which the gun zealots in the Georgia legislature punished their state’s largest business and employer.

“Delta Airlines cancelled a discount for NRA members after the latest school massacre. In retaliation, Georgia’s politicos repealed a jet fuel tax break that was worth tens of millions to the airline, which presumably it used to keep fares low for all of us good Americans who must connect through its Atlanta hub to fly anywhere.

“Thank goodness (as always!) the NC General Assembly is not in session right now. There’s no telling what those folks might emerge from their caves to do to Walmart, sadly our state’s largest private employer (of good people who make minimum wage and get few benefits) and which, like Delta, took a timid, no-brainer baby step towards gun sense by adding an age requirement to the sales of military weapons in its stores.

“Truly, we have reached the bottom (or can see it from here) when a massive American, tax-paying, law-abiding corporation feels the sting of swift and vicious retaliation, ironically inflicted by pro-business GOPers who cower pitifully under the thumb of an uncompromising gun lobby.

“How should Delta react?

“Here’s an idea: Say nothing publicly. Create a secret list in its computer of every legislator who voted to repeal the fuel tax. When these bozos make a flight reservation, every flight is mysteriously full, or only middle seats are open, or requires a connection through Buffalo. And send their luggage to New Zealand.

“But wait…that’s just a normal day at Delta.

“Never mind.”

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Gary Pearce



Firing back

When companies like Delta, Dick’s, WalMart and Kroger adopt their own gun control laws, you can bet public opinion is changing. And you can count on the NRA and its wholly owned Republican politicians firing back. A TAPster offers these thoughts on what happened to Delta in Georgia:

“It’s been a scary couple of years as political dignity, discourse and common sense have completely evaporated. But nothing has been as troubling, perhaps terrifying, as the speed with which the gun zealots in the Georgia legislature punished their state’s largest business and employer.

“Delta Airlines cancelled a discount for NRA members after the latest school massacre. In retaliation, Georgia’s politicos repealed a jet fuel tax break that was worth tens of millions to the airline, which presumably it used to keep fares low for all of us good Americans who must connect through its Atlanta hub to fly anywhere.

“Thank goodness (as always!) the NC General Assembly is not in session right now. There’s no telling what those folks might emerge from their caves to do to Walmart, sadly our state’s largest private employer (of good people who make minimum wage and get few benefits) and which, like Delta, took a timid, no-brainer baby step towards gun sense by adding an age requirement to the sales of military weapons in its stores.

“Truly, we have reached the bottom (or can see it from here) when a massive American, tax-paying, law-abiding corporation feels the sting of swift and vicious retaliation, ironically inflicted by pro-business GOPers who cower pitifully under the thumb of an uncompromising gun lobby.

“How should Delta react?

“Here’s an idea: Say nothing publicly. Create a secret list in its computer of every legislator who voted to repeal the fuel tax. When these bozos make a flight reservation, every flight is mysteriously full, or only middle seats are open, or requires a connection through Buffalo. And send their luggage to New Zealand.

“But wait…that’s just a normal day at Delta.

“Never mind.”

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Gary Pearce

