Firing Agador
A couple of weeks ago the Democrats in Congress decided to make it illegal to fire Agador (you’d have to have seen The Birdcage). Because he’s gay.
So in what seems like an amazingly short time we’ve gone from the a society that frowned on homosexuality to Congress saying it’s protected by the Constitution.
But in a broader sense the Democrats were just pussy-footing around; they’re just throwing their gay allies a sop because they’re scared to grab the real bull by the horns: Gay-marriage. Because that’s the issue that divides people like a line in the sand.
On one side of the line are people – let’s call them ‘Open-Minded’ – who may feel a tad uneasy about gay marriage but the bottom line is: Why not? Why shouldn’t gays marry, just like the rest of us? It suits their egalitarian nature and their open-mindedness makes them feel good about themselves.
But the same question leaves people on the other side of the line – let’s call them ‘Pilgrims’ – a lot more than uneasy. ‘Pilgrims’ tend to take their religion a bit more the literally than the ‘Open-Minded’. To the ‘Open-Minded’, You will become one flesh and one spirit, is symbolic. Literary. Sentimental. But to a ‘Pilgrim’ it’s a fact. And it doesn’t happen between him and his brothers and sisters. Or even his children. It only happens in a marriage.
The ‘Open-Minded’ can – and do – argue right back that the whole idea of ‘spiritual joining’ is poppycock. Or they argue the idea is fine but ought to be polymorphus enough to include mistresses, gay lovers and casual acquaintances – and not just to wives.
But the ‘Pilgrims’ just aren’t buying that. In their view no matter how passionately a man feels about his mistress or gay-other whether it’s love, lust, or sentiment it’s not a marriage.
Of course, all this sounds a bit abstract for a political debate. But just mention gay-marriage and people start choosing sides. There is no common ground between the ‘Pilgrims’ and the ‘Open-Minded.’ So, firing Agador’s just a side-show.
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Firing Agador

A couple of weeks ago the Democrats in Congress decided to make it illegal to fire Agador (you’d have to have seen The Birdcage). Because he’s gay.
So in what seems like an amazingly short time we’ve gone from the a society that frowned on homosexuality to Congress saying it’s protected by the Constitution.
But in a broader sense the Democrats were just pussy-footing around; they’re just throwing their gay allies a sop because they’re scared to grab the real bull by the horns: Gay-marriage. Because that’s the issue that divides people like a line in the sand.
On one side of the line are people – let’s call them ‘Open-Minded’ – who may feel a tad uneasy about gay marriage but the bottom line is: Why not? Why shouldn’t gays marry, just like the rest of us? It suits their egalitarian nature and their open-mindedness makes them feel good about themselves.
But the same question leaves people on the other side of the line – let’s call them ‘Pilgrims’ – a lot more than uneasy. ‘Pilgrims’ tend to take their religion a bit more the literally than the ‘Open-Minded’. To the ‘Open-Minded’, You will become one flesh and one spirit, is symbolic. Literary. Sentimental. But to a ‘Pilgrim’ it’s a fact. And it doesn’t happen between him and his brothers and sisters. Or even his children. It only happens in a marriage.
The ‘Open-Minded’ can – and do – argue right back that the whole idea of ‘spiritual joining’ is poppycock. Or they argue the idea is fine but ought to be polymorphus enough to include mistresses, gay lovers and casual acquaintances – and not just to wives.
But the ‘Pilgrims’ just aren’t buying that. In their view no matter how passionately a man feels about his mistress or gay-other whether it’s love, lust, or sentiment it’s not a marriage.
Of course, all this sounds a bit abstract for a political debate. But just mention gay-marriage and people start choosing sides. There is no common ground between the ‘Pilgrims’ and the ‘Open-Minded.’ So, firing Agador’s just a side-show.
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