Filing In
March 2, 2010 - by
The candidate filings show where the energy is this year. And it’s not encouraging for Democrats.
Republicans fielded candidates in all 50 state Senate races and nearly all the state House races. There are 40-plus Republicans running in congressional primaries.
We may be seeing the three ingredients required to make a landslide:
One side is energized
The other side is demoralized
The middle is mad as hell at everybody in office.
That perfect storm gathered for Republicans in 1994. It happened for Democrats in 2006 and 2008. It may drown Democrats this year.
Some Democrats claim the Republican primaries will turn into a divisive civil war.
And, true, the Tea Partiers could wreck the Republican china cabinet.
But primaries can also tell you who is excited – and who will vote in November.

Filing In
March 2, 2010/

The candidate filings show where the energy is this year. And it’s not encouraging for Democrats.
Republicans fielded candidates in all 50 state Senate races and nearly all the state House races. There are 40-plus Republicans running in congressional primaries.
We may be seeing the three ingredients required to make a landslide:
One side is energized
The other side is demoralized
The middle is mad as hell at everybody in office.
That perfect storm gathered for Republicans in 1994. It happened for Democrats in 2006 and 2008. It may drown Democrats this year.
Some Democrats claim the Republican primaries will turn into a divisive civil war.
And, true, the Tea Partiers could wreck the Republican china cabinet.
But primaries can also tell you who is excited – and who will vote in November.