April 11, 2012 - by
Rick Santorum’s struck the flag and the Insurgents and Tea Partiers have been routed by the ‘Old Guard;’ long ago, flush with victory after the 2010 election, the Tea Partiers girded for battle with the Washington Republicans in the Presidential primaries.
At first the Insurgents rallied behind Michele Bachmann…
…then abandoned Bachmann for Rick Perry…
…then abandoned Perry for Herman Cain…
…then abandoned Cain for Newt Gingrich…
…then abandoned Gingrich for Rick Santorum…
…who they didn’t have time to abandon before Santorum won the Iowa Caucus.
Now, whatever you think of Mitt Romney, after all is said and done you have to give him credit: He’s steady. He weathered every storm. He lost South Carolina. And came back in Florida. Lost in Mississippi and Alabama. Then came back in Illinois.
After Romney won Wisconsin, smelling blood, the Washington Republicans moved in for the kill, singing an old and proven refrain: ‘It’s over… Santorum can’t win… Romney’s got it locked up.’ Endorsements poured in for Romney from every Republican candidate who’s lost a Presidential election in the last twenty years and the Insurgents were undone – maybe because they never found the right leader or, maybe, because of their own fickleness.
But however you add it up the primaries ended as a triumph for Washington Republicanism.
The Establishment routed every foe.
Posted in National Republicans

April 11, 2012/

Rick Santorum’s struck the flag and the Insurgents and Tea Partiers have been routed by the ‘Old Guard;’ long ago, flush with victory after the 2010 election, the Tea Partiers girded for battle with the Washington Republicans in the Presidential primaries.
At first the Insurgents rallied behind Michele Bachmann…
…then abandoned Bachmann for Rick Perry…
…then abandoned Perry for Herman Cain…
…then abandoned Cain for Newt Gingrich…
…then abandoned Gingrich for Rick Santorum…
…who they didn’t have time to abandon before Santorum won the Iowa Caucus.
Now, whatever you think of Mitt Romney, after all is said and done you have to give him credit: He’s steady. He weathered every storm. He lost South Carolina. And came back in Florida. Lost in Mississippi and Alabama. Then came back in Illinois.
After Romney won Wisconsin, smelling blood, the Washington Republicans moved in for the kill, singing an old and proven refrain: ‘It’s over… Santorum can’t win… Romney’s got it locked up.’ Endorsements poured in for Romney from every Republican candidate who’s lost a Presidential election in the last twenty years and the Insurgents were undone – maybe because they never found the right leader or, maybe, because of their own fickleness.
But however you add it up the primaries ended as a triumph for Washington Republicanism.
The Establishment routed every foe.
Posted in National Republicans