Family and Friends
March 29, 2012 - by
Sometimes politicians are just plain silly.
This morning it appears Paul Coble woke up in a pique and right off ripped off an email lighting into George Holding.
“George Holding” Coble wrote, “doesn’t smile much. But $214,000 in hard, cold special interest cash has him smiling like the Cheshire car – ear to ear.”
Then Coble lights into The American Foundations Committee – which is supporting Holding – calling it a mean, vile, nasty special interest.
And exactly what special interest does The American Foundations Committee represent? Well, it lists its 13 donors on its website. Five have the name Holding. Eight are George Holding’s relatives. And five are his personal friends.
There’s not a labor union or a real special interest anywhere in sight. In fact, the only interest these folks have in common is they’re all family or friends of George Holding’s.
As a County Commissioner, Paul Coble’s voted for budgets with $190,000,000 in unfunded liabilities. But, now, says he opposes unfunded liabilities.
Coble’s run for office nine times and taken thousands of dollars in special interest contributions. But now says George Holding’s family and friends are a special interest.
It’s just plain silly.
Posted in North Carolina - Republicans, Raleigh

Family and Friends
March 29, 2012/

Sometimes politicians are just plain silly.
This morning it appears Paul Coble woke up in a pique and right off ripped off an email lighting into George Holding.
“George Holding” Coble wrote, “doesn’t smile much. But $214,000 in hard, cold special interest cash has him smiling like the Cheshire car – ear to ear.”
Then Coble lights into The American Foundations Committee – which is supporting Holding – calling it a mean, vile, nasty special interest.
And exactly what special interest does The American Foundations Committee represent? Well, it lists its 13 donors on its website. Five have the name Holding. Eight are George Holding’s relatives. And five are his personal friends.
There’s not a labor union or a real special interest anywhere in sight. In fact, the only interest these folks have in common is they’re all family or friends of George Holding’s.
As a County Commissioner, Paul Coble’s voted for budgets with $190,000,000 in unfunded liabilities. But, now, says he opposes unfunded liabilities.
Coble’s run for office nine times and taken thousands of dollars in special interest contributions. But now says George Holding’s family and friends are a special interest.
It’s just plain silly.
Posted in North Carolina - Republicans, Raleigh