Faison’s Social Media
December 13, 2011 - by
Recently I took a shot at Rep. Bill Faison for taking a shot at Governor Perdue – one that I thought hurt him as much as her.
Today – in an effort to be fair and balanced, as they say on Fox – I rise to praise him.
Few figures in North Carolina politics makes as good use of Facebook, Twitter and social media as Faison & Co.
He tweets and posts frequently – and substantively. So does Jeannie Bonds in support of him.
Governor Perdue’s office, by contrast, lags. I get about one email a week from her – generally a lengthy digest of events that happened days ago.
Even an old geezer like me can figure out that what makes online communications click is immediacy – and brevity.
In her defense, I suspect her staff is handcuffed by state government’s 19th Century communications systems. Her campaign needs to do better.
So there. Fair and balanced.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Faison’s Social Media
December 13, 2011/

Recently I took a shot at Rep. Bill Faison for taking a shot at Governor Perdue – one that I thought hurt him as much as her.
Today – in an effort to be fair and balanced, as they say on Fox – I rise to praise him.
Few figures in North Carolina politics makes as good use of Facebook, Twitter and social media as Faison & Co.
He tweets and posts frequently – and substantively. So does Jeannie Bonds in support of him.
Governor Perdue’s office, by contrast, lags. I get about one email a week from her – generally a lengthy digest of events that happened days ago.
Even an old geezer like me can figure out that what makes online communications click is immediacy – and brevity.
In her defense, I suspect her staff is handcuffed by state government’s 19th Century communications systems. Her campaign needs to do better.
So there. Fair and balanced.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats