Failing the School Test
March 9, 2011 - by
As Stephen Colbert would say, a tip of the hat to Democrats in the legislature who are fighting Republican bills that would hurt public schools: teacher layoffs, larger class sizes, less early education and private-school vouchers.
But a wag of the finger to those same Democrats who would hurt public schools by eliminating state tests.
The tests are the only way to hold schools, teachers and students accountable.
Opponents say teachers “just teach to the test.” Well, duh – as Charlie Sheen would say. That’s what tests are for: to test whether you learn what was taught.
Of course, this is nothing new. There’s always been a cadre of teachers and liberal Democrats who don’t like testing. Governor Hunt fought them tooth and nail when he pushed through the program.
And don’t get me started on Republicans. I thought they were for more accountability for how tax dollars are spent. And, in years past, they criticized the tests for being too easy.
On this test, they all fail.

Failing the School Test
March 9, 2011/

As Stephen Colbert would say, a tip of the hat to Democrats in the legislature who are fighting Republican bills that would hurt public schools: teacher layoffs, larger class sizes, less early education and private-school vouchers.
But a wag of the finger to those same Democrats who would hurt public schools by eliminating state tests.
The tests are the only way to hold schools, teachers and students accountable.
Opponents say teachers “just teach to the test.” Well, duh – as Charlie Sheen would say. That’s what tests are for: to test whether you learn what was taught.
Of course, this is nothing new. There’s always been a cadre of teachers and liberal Democrats who don’t like testing. Governor Hunt fought them tooth and nail when he pushed through the program.
And don’t get me started on Republicans. I thought they were for more accountability for how tax dollars are spent. And, in years past, they criticized the tests for being too easy.
On this test, they all fail.