Failing Grade for the Legislature
April 4, 2012 - by
Democrats now have their bumper-sticker message for 2012 – thanks to 25 North Carolina school superintendents.
Republican legislators deny they cut any teachers. But the superintendents told a different story at a statewide hearing:
“Superintendents said they had laid off teachers, teacher assistants, assistant principals and central office staff members during several years of budget slashing. They have cut textbooks and technology and delayed school bus replacements. They have enlarged class sizes and ditched teacher training.”
One Republican superintendent took on the Republican legislature. Clay County School Superintendent Scott Penland, said: “I’ll be honest with you, I was very excited on election night, when I saw that the Republican majority had taken over the House and Senate. But with each passing day, and each passing education budget, my euphoria is waning.
“We don’t get to cherry-pick our kids,” he said. “We educate them all. This is America.”
That bumper-sticker message, by the way: “Cut Education. Vote Republican.”

Failing Grade for the Legislature
April 4, 2012/

Democrats now have their bumper-sticker message for 2012 – thanks to 25 North Carolina school superintendents.
Republican legislators deny they cut any teachers. But the superintendents told a different story at a statewide hearing:
“Superintendents said they had laid off teachers, teacher assistants, assistant principals and central office staff members during several years of budget slashing. They have cut textbooks and technology and delayed school bus replacements. They have enlarged class sizes and ditched teacher training.”
One Republican superintendent took on the Republican legislature. Clay County School Superintendent Scott Penland, said: “I’ll be honest with you, I was very excited on election night, when I saw that the Republican majority had taken over the House and Senate. But with each passing day, and each passing education budget, my euphoria is waning.
“We don’t get to cherry-pick our kids,” he said. “We educate them all. This is America.”
That bumper-sticker message, by the way: “Cut Education. Vote Republican.”