Ethics or Taxes
October 5, 2009 - by
Tom Campbell at NC Spin has an interesting alternative to my Perdue Comeback Plan.
I suggested she gamble on tax reform. Tom suggests ethics reform.
He’s right. She should. But I doubt that gets her far enough.
Cynical voters will never believe the stable has been cleaned up.
For good reason.
Pass a tax reform bill, and you’ve done something. How do you measure when you’ve done ethics reform?
Run for reelection as a “Reformer With Results.”

Ethics or Taxes
October 5, 2009/

Tom Campbell at NC Spin has an interesting alternative to my Perdue Comeback Plan.
I suggested she gamble on tax reform. Tom suggests ethics reform.
He’s right. She should. But I doubt that gets her far enough.
Cynical voters will never believe the stable has been cleaned up.
For good reason.
Pass a tax reform bill, and you’ve done something. How do you measure when you’ve done ethics reform?
Run for reelection as a “Reformer With Results.”