Escaping Babylon
Sitting in Washington Congressmen and Senators nod, tell lobbyists, I can do that – in the next breath say, By the way, I need a favor too, smiling, ask for contributions.
After Watergate Congress, reeling, put limits on contributions to political campaigns – and outlawed corporate donations. Horse trading waned. Time Passed. Lawyers spotted loopholes in election laws – politicians went back to being politicians. The Citizens United case made corporate donations legal again – deal making soared.
Corporations, special interests handed politicians checks and politicians spent millions to get elected. The swamp festered. Blue collar workers staring at a politician – Hillary – and a Showman, who was nobody’s idea of a politician, elected Trump.
Craving applause, strutting, boasting, spouting tall tales, Trump didn’t drain the swamp, bungled Covid, Biden won. Politicians marched back into power. Deals rolled on. A new presidential election started with most people scowling at both Politicians and Showmen. Disliking both. Creating a void.
Fingers crossed a lot of people are hoping Governor Ron DeSantis can fill the void. Can DeSantis whip both Politicians and Showmen? That’s a tall order, a hard fight – say a prayer: Escaping from Babylon is going to take a blessing.

Escaping Babylon

Sitting in Washington Congressmen and Senators nod, tell lobbyists, I can do that – in the next breath say, By the way, I need a favor too, smiling, ask for contributions.
After Watergate Congress, reeling, put limits on contributions to political campaigns – and outlawed corporate donations. Horse trading waned. Time Passed. Lawyers spotted loopholes in election laws – politicians went back to being politicians. The Citizens United case made corporate donations legal again – deal making soared.
Corporations, special interests handed politicians checks and politicians spent millions to get elected. The swamp festered. Blue collar workers staring at a politician – Hillary – and a Showman, who was nobody’s idea of a politician, elected Trump.
Craving applause, strutting, boasting, spouting tall tales, Trump didn’t drain the swamp, bungled Covid, Biden won. Politicians marched back into power. Deals rolled on. A new presidential election started with most people scowling at both Politicians and Showmen. Disliking both. Creating a void.
Fingers crossed a lot of people are hoping Governor Ron DeSantis can fill the void. Can DeSantis whip both Politicians and Showmen? That’s a tall order, a hard fight – say a prayer: Escaping from Babylon is going to take a blessing.