June 14, 2010 - by
What’s with this mania about whether President Obama has shown enough anger over the BP oil spill?
Is this the legacy of Bill Clinton, who so famously felt our pain?
Or that old actor Ronald Reagan, who could muster a catch in the throat and a flash of anger at the drop of a cue?
Obama’s press secretary had to describe Obama’s “clenched jaw” to prove he was angry. The President had to publicly bully BP.
Are we so programmed by TV and movies that we pay more attention to how the man looks than to what he does?
There’s probably a lot of fault to be found with the government’s response, though I’m still waiting for somebody to tell me exactly what should be done. But taking the President’s emotional temperature doesn’t strike me as particularly informative.

June 14, 2010/

What’s with this mania about whether President Obama has shown enough anger over the BP oil spill?
Is this the legacy of Bill Clinton, who so famously felt our pain?
Or that old actor Ronald Reagan, who could muster a catch in the throat and a flash of anger at the drop of a cue?
Obama’s press secretary had to describe Obama’s “clenched jaw” to prove he was angry. The President had to publicly bully BP.
Are we so programmed by TV and movies that we pay more attention to how the man looks than to what he does?
There’s probably a lot of fault to be found with the government’s response, though I’m still waiting for somebody to tell me exactly what should be done. But taking the President’s emotional temperature doesn’t strike me as particularly informative.