March 12, 2011 - by
Emails, it turns out, like lemmings have a remarkable capacity to reproduce – one breeds ten which breeds an avalanche of messages pouring into inboxes.
Back in the old days you wrote a letter to one person; today with the click of a button you can send an email to thirty people, and people like that because everyone likes having a ‘voice’ and the more emails you send the bigger voice you have.
I talked to a friend the other day who had a backlog of a thousand emails he was going home to read over the weekend.
I said, I reckon you might be better off just deleting them and spending the weekend reading War and Peace.
He grunted, Only a fraction of them will need a response – but I have to read them all to find out which.
I reckon if this avalanche of communal speech were taking place at a church meeting once everyone started talking at once folks would just hush out of good manners, but it seems the human voice recognizes no restraint when it comes to clicking the send button.
Posted in General

March 12, 2011/

Emails, it turns out, like lemmings have a remarkable capacity to reproduce – one breeds ten which breeds an avalanche of messages pouring into inboxes.
Back in the old days you wrote a letter to one person; today with the click of a button you can send an email to thirty people, and people like that because everyone likes having a ‘voice’ and the more emails you send the bigger voice you have.
I talked to a friend the other day who had a backlog of a thousand emails he was going home to read over the weekend.
I said, I reckon you might be better off just deleting them and spending the weekend reading War and Peace.
He grunted, Only a fraction of them will need a response – but I have to read them all to find out which.
I reckon if this avalanche of communal speech were taking place at a church meeting once everyone started talking at once folks would just hush out of good manners, but it seems the human voice recognizes no restraint when it comes to clicking the send button.
Posted in General