Easley on Ethics
The same week former State Rep. Michael Decker pled guilty to taking a $50,000 bribe to switch parties and vote for Democrat Jim Black for Speaker of the House – Governor Easley signed the legislature’s new ethics bill into law. Easley said this bill “is a powerful first step at establishing clear ethical standards…” (The News and Observer, 8/5/06).
Sounds encouraging? However, remember, this bill is not much different from the bill the head of Easley’s Ethics Commission, retired Judge Robert Farmer, described as “just pretend ethics.”

Easley on Ethics

The same week former State Rep. Michael Decker pled guilty to taking a $50,000 bribe to switch parties and vote for Democrat Jim Black for Speaker of the House – Governor Easley signed the legislature’s new ethics bill into law. Easley said this bill “is a powerful first step at establishing clear ethical standards…” (The News and Observer, 8/5/06).
Sounds encouraging? However, remember, this bill is not much different from the bill the head of Easley’s Ethics Commission, retired Judge Robert Farmer, described as “just pretend ethics.”