Dump Grant?

After Rob Christensen and I engaged in a high-toned debate on whether Alexander Hamilton should be on the $10 bill and I proposed that we instead dump Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill, a TAPster had a terse reply: “Hell no. Dump Grant, who was responsible for killing thousands of Americans and was a half-ass president.”

Plus, of course, he was a damn Yankee.

But you see a lot more Jackson 20s than Hamilton 10s or Grant 50s, especially if you use an ATM. So I amend my proposal: Keep Hamilton. Dump Jackson and Grant for women.

This should make me very popular in certain circles.


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Gary Pearce



Dump Grant?

After Rob Christensen and I engaged in a high-toned debate on whether Alexander Hamilton should be on the $10 bill and I proposed that we instead dump Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill, a TAPster had a terse reply: “Hell no. Dump Grant, who was responsible for killing thousands of Americans and was a half-ass president.”

Plus, of course, he was a damn Yankee.

But you see a lot more Jackson 20s than Hamilton 10s or Grant 50s, especially if you use an ATM. So I amend my proposal: Keep Hamilton. Dump Jackson and Grant for women.

This should make me very popular in certain circles.


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Gary Pearce

