Downright Seedy
May 2, 2012 - by
There’s an outbreak of fornication on Jones Street. In the State House. In Speaker Thom Tillis’ office. Between lobbyists and Tillis’ aides. Yesterday after all the shenanigans landed in the newspapers Speaker Tillis disposed of two aides then, after “reviewing” 130 pages of emails and other records, announced they hadn’t lifted a finger to give the lobbyists any untoward help with their bills.
Now it’s a sure bet that next the Democrats are going to call for an investigation: So after John Edwards’ trial passes we’ll be facing a whole new season of ‘political reality shows’ – just in case anyone missed the point that politics has gotten downright seedy.
Posted in North Carolina - Republicans, Raleigh

Downright Seedy
May 2, 2012/

There’s an outbreak of fornication on Jones Street. In the State House. In Speaker Thom Tillis’ office. Between lobbyists and Tillis’ aides. Yesterday after all the shenanigans landed in the newspapers Speaker Tillis disposed of two aides then, after “reviewing” 130 pages of emails and other records, announced they hadn’t lifted a finger to give the lobbyists any untoward help with their bills.
Now it’s a sure bet that next the Democrats are going to call for an investigation: So after John Edwards’ trial passes we’ll be facing a whole new season of ‘political reality shows’ – just in case anyone missed the point that politics has gotten downright seedy.
Posted in North Carolina - Republicans, Raleigh