Double Talk?
June 19, 2012 - by
Open the newspaper most any day and you’ll read some politician somewhere saying the government’s flat broke.
Washington’s out of money.
Raleigh’s destitute.
Money’s tight at City Hall.
The County’s cut its budget.
But the other morning I opened the newspaper and one story sounded a different note: Amid all the government destitution and teeth rattling budget cuts the same politicians who can’t find enough money to pay teachers found a boatload of cold hard cash for the Triangle Greenways Council so it could spend $330,000 to buy 120 acres to build new greenways in Raleigh.
How do you figure that?

Double Talk?
June 19, 2012/

Open the newspaper most any day and you’ll read some politician somewhere saying the government’s flat broke.
Washington’s out of money.
Raleigh’s destitute.
Money’s tight at City Hall.
The County’s cut its budget.
But the other morning I opened the newspaper and one story sounded a different note: Amid all the government destitution and teeth rattling budget cuts the same politicians who can’t find enough money to pay teachers found a boatload of cold hard cash for the Triangle Greenways Council so it could spend $330,000 to buy 120 acres to build new greenways in Raleigh.
How do you figure that?