Divisiveness Loses
October 12, 2011 - by
A TAPster sees a factor in Tuesday’s elections apart from the party angle:
“There’s an important lesson tucked in the outcome of Raleigh’s school board election Tuesday when voters kicked out the divisive school board chairman.
“It’s not a lesson about Democrats vs. Republicans, even though the N&O and its political pundit Rob Christensen are chirping today that Democrats came together to reclaim control of the school board.
“What we saw Tuesday in a local race could be a prelude to state and national elections when voters believe politicians of either party have strayed too far from the middle. Voters want their politicians to think like them, and want policies enacted that reflect their beliefs. It was actually refreshing to see voters in Raleigh reject extremism and polarization in an election that highlights how a restless populace feels towards politicos who are pandering to the fringe elements of their parties.
“So, the lesson to politicians: you’d better understand where the voters are. The crazies may be noisy but, in North Carolina, voters live in the political middle where they simply want good schools, reasonable taxes, responsible government and to be left the hell alone.
“Any politician who doesn’t understand this should look at the N&O’s photo today of a distraught Ron Margiotta learning his fate on election night.
“If you still don’t get it, a photo of your distraught face on election night is next.”

Divisiveness Loses
October 12, 2011/

A TAPster sees a factor in Tuesday’s elections apart from the party angle:
“There’s an important lesson tucked in the outcome of Raleigh’s school board election Tuesday when voters kicked out the divisive school board chairman.
“It’s not a lesson about Democrats vs. Republicans, even though the N&O and its political pundit Rob Christensen are chirping today that Democrats came together to reclaim control of the school board.
“What we saw Tuesday in a local race could be a prelude to state and national elections when voters believe politicians of either party have strayed too far from the middle. Voters want their politicians to think like them, and want policies enacted that reflect their beliefs. It was actually refreshing to see voters in Raleigh reject extremism and polarization in an election that highlights how a restless populace feels towards politicos who are pandering to the fringe elements of their parties.
“So, the lesson to politicians: you’d better understand where the voters are. The crazies may be noisy but, in North Carolina, voters live in the political middle where they simply want good schools, reasonable taxes, responsible government and to be left the hell alone.
“Any politician who doesn’t understand this should look at the N&O’s photo today of a distraught Ron Margiotta learning his fate on election night.
“If you still don’t get it, a photo of your distraught face on election night is next.”