Disputing Pat

A TAPster takes on Republican gubernatorial candidate Pat McCrory over McCrory’s op-ed in the Charlotte Observer on voter ID:

“I think there are some interesting facts that McCrory failed to share in his piece – and I’m surprised a paper like the Observer would publish without asking him some questions on his sources. Notably McCrory cited a Heritage Foundation report without mentioning two key facts:

“1.      The report McCrory cites is actually written by controversial & radical right firebrand Hans von Spakovsky. During von Spakovsky’s term at the US DOJ, more than half of the career Justice Department staff left the voting section in protest. This is the same fellow who tried unsuccessfully to disenfranchise minority voters in Georgia and Missouri.  Thankfully the courts thought otherwise.
“2.      Many of the examples McCrory cited from the report were discredited, based on false information or happened up to 30 years ago–in fact, McCrory gets his best story wrong: it was Kansas City MISSOURI, not “an election in Kansas” where the incident took place, and there is no proof anyone voted illegally. To be fair, that is because the Kansas City Board of Elections failed to use its own safeguards to review the voter registrations and a judge refused to investigate.
“Which I guess raises another point, McCrory and the Republicans seem to be intent on punishing innocent voters.”
The TAPster provides a couple other links to von Spakovsky here and here.
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Gary Pearce



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Disputing Pat

A TAPster takes on Republican gubernatorial candidate Pat McCrory over McCrory’s op-ed in the Charlotte Observer on voter ID:

“I think there are some interesting facts that McCrory failed to share in his piece – and I’m surprised a paper like the Observer would publish without asking him some questions on his sources. Notably McCrory cited a Heritage Foundation report without mentioning two key facts:

“1.      The report McCrory cites is actually written by controversial & radical right firebrand Hans von Spakovsky. During von Spakovsky’s term at the US DOJ, more than half of the career Justice Department staff left the voting section in protest. This is the same fellow who tried unsuccessfully to disenfranchise minority voters in Georgia and Missouri.  Thankfully the courts thought otherwise.
“2.      Many of the examples McCrory cited from the report were discredited, based on false information or happened up to 30 years ago–in fact, McCrory gets his best story wrong: it was Kansas City MISSOURI, not “an election in Kansas” where the incident took place, and there is no proof anyone voted illegally. To be fair, that is because the Kansas City Board of Elections failed to use its own safeguards to review the voter registrations and a judge refused to investigate.
“Which I guess raises another point, McCrory and the Republicans seem to be intent on punishing innocent voters.”
The TAPster provides a couple other links to von Spakovsky here and here.
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Gary Pearce

