Did Democrats Cave In?
Speaker Pelosi and her leadership team sure looked beaten when they went before the press to explain – and defend – their deal with President Bush and the Republicans on
Pelosi said she might vote against it herself. Congressmen Obey and Hoyer tried to confuse everybody with Congress-speak about “supplemental 07” and “supplemental 08” and how it’s time to move on.
Rahmbo Emanuel, who increasingly looks like Speaker-in-Waiting, put the best face on it: He called it the beginning of the end of Bush’s Iraq policy.
Yes, Bush will claim victory. The Democratic hard-liners will claim sellout. John Edwards – isn’t it great to be out of the Senate? – will chime in. Hillary and Obama can safely vote against the deal – and hope to polish their anti-war street cred.
But Rahmbo is right. The end of this war is coming. The American people are demanding it. Even Republicans are demanding it.
If Bush were Prime Minister, he’d be like Tony Blair – headed out of office.
Unfortunately, Bush has more than 18 months to go. That’s 18 months more of war, 18 more months for Americans to die in Iraq and 18 more months for Americans to lose faith in their government.
Can we stand 18 more months?
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Did Democrats Cave In?

Speaker Pelosi and her leadership team sure looked beaten when they went before the press to explain – and defend – their deal with President Bush and the Republicans on
Pelosi said she might vote against it herself. Congressmen Obey and Hoyer tried to confuse everybody with Congress-speak about “supplemental 07” and “supplemental 08” and how it’s time to move on.
Rahmbo Emanuel, who increasingly looks like Speaker-in-Waiting, put the best face on it: He called it the beginning of the end of Bush’s Iraq policy.
Yes, Bush will claim victory. The Democratic hard-liners will claim sellout. John Edwards – isn’t it great to be out of the Senate? – will chime in. Hillary and Obama can safely vote against the deal – and hope to polish their anti-war street cred.
But Rahmbo is right. The end of this war is coming. The American people are demanding it. Even Republicans are demanding it.
If Bush were Prime Minister, he’d be like Tony Blair – headed out of office.
Unfortunately, Bush has more than 18 months to go. That’s 18 months more of war, 18 more months for Americans to die in Iraq and 18 more months for Americans to lose faith in their government.
Can we stand 18 more months?
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.