Dems Gone Wild
November 18, 2010 - by
Both parties are busy with the usual post-election rituals. The winners fight over power, and the losers fight over blame.
As usual with Democrats, the left and the center blame each other.
Heath Shuler, Larry Kissell, et al blame Speaker Pelosi – and, by implication, President Obama – for pushing the party too left.
Liberals blame “corporate Democrats who refuse to stand up and fight for real change,” in the words of Jim Dean, brother of Howard and head of Democracy for America .
I’ve seen this movie before.
After 1984, the Democratic Leadership Council was founded by centrist Democrats in the wake of Walter Mondale’s historic defeat. It worked.
But the party’s left has a recurring death wish. And it usually ends up killing off North Carolina Democrats.
Here’s the reasoning I can’t follow, as stated by Ari Berman, a writer for The Nation:
“Democrats would be in better shape, and would accomplish more, with a smaller and more ideologically cohesive caucus.”
In other words, the way to get more done in politics is to lose more.

Dems Gone Wild
November 18, 2010/

Both parties are busy with the usual post-election rituals. The winners fight over power, and the losers fight over blame.
As usual with Democrats, the left and the center blame each other.
Heath Shuler, Larry Kissell, et al blame Speaker Pelosi – and, by implication, President Obama – for pushing the party too left.
Liberals blame “corporate Democrats who refuse to stand up and fight for real change,” in the words of Jim Dean, brother of Howard and head of Democracy for America .
I’ve seen this movie before.
After 1984, the Democratic Leadership Council was founded by centrist Democrats in the wake of Walter Mondale’s historic defeat. It worked.
But the party’s left has a recurring death wish. And it usually ends up killing off North Carolina Democrats.
Here’s the reasoning I can’t follow, as stated by Ari Berman, a writer for The Nation:
“Democrats would be in better shape, and would accomplish more, with a smaller and more ideologically cohesive caucus.”
In other words, the way to get more done in politics is to lose more.