Democrats’ MVP
July 24, 2013 - by
It’s hard to be an all-star when your team is getting steamrolled every day. Still, a number of Democratic legislators have fought hard, stood their ground and spoken eloquently.
But I’m awarding this coveted honor (the TAP MVP) to the Democrat whose star has risen fastest and farthest this session: Senator Josh Stein of Wake County.
Back in the cold of January, some people were talking about Josh as a candidate for Attorney General. In the heat of July, people are talking about him as a candidate for Governor.
That’s a measure not only of the courage and conviction he has shown through a tough session, but also of the political skills he has – not least of which is a proven ability to do something Democrats badly need: raise money.
I’ve known Josh and watched him closely since he first got active in politics in 1996. He has the two qualities that you don’t always see in one leader: a good heart and a savvy head. He comes from a family that has long fought for justice, fairness and equal rights. He has dedicated his life to public service. He’s smart, stubborn (that’s a compliment) and hard-working.
As the old song says, his future’s so bright he’s gotta wear shades. And he’s a bright ray of hope for Democrats.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Democrats’ MVP
July 24, 2013/

It’s hard to be an all-star when your team is getting steamrolled every day. Still, a number of Democratic legislators have fought hard, stood their ground and spoken eloquently.
But I’m awarding this coveted honor (the TAP MVP) to the Democrat whose star has risen fastest and farthest this session: Senator Josh Stein of Wake County.
Back in the cold of January, some people were talking about Josh as a candidate for Attorney General. In the heat of July, people are talking about him as a candidate for Governor.
That’s a measure not only of the courage and conviction he has shown through a tough session, but also of the political skills he has – not least of which is a proven ability to do something Democrats badly need: raise money.
I’ve known Josh and watched him closely since he first got active in politics in 1996. He has the two qualities that you don’t always see in one leader: a good heart and a savvy head. He comes from a family that has long fought for justice, fairness and equal rights. He has dedicated his life to public service. He’s smart, stubborn (that’s a compliment) and hard-working.
As the old song says, his future’s so bright he’s gotta wear shades. And he’s a bright ray of hope for Democrats.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats