Democrats and Budgets
Here’s how the Democrats in the legislature handle the state budget.
For five of the last six years they’ve given us deficits from $200 million to $1.5 billion. Their solution: to raise taxes.
Then, finally, they raised taxes so much we had a year with a surplus. What did they do? They cut taxes a tiny bit and spent all the rest. In fact, they spent so much according to the Democrats’ own fiscal research team in the legislature they’re facing another $500 million to $1 billion deficit next year.
And, now, we begin the cycle again.
But this is an election year and everyone is happy and, next year, when the pain returns there’s no election.

Democrats and Budgets

Here’s how the Democrats in the legislature handle the state budget.
For five of the last six years they’ve given us deficits from $200 million to $1.5 billion. Their solution: to raise taxes.
Then, finally, they raised taxes so much we had a year with a surplus. What did they do? They cut taxes a tiny bit and spent all the rest. In fact, they spent so much according to the Democrats’ own fiscal research team in the legislature they’re facing another $500 million to $1 billion deficit next year.
And, now, we begin the cycle again.
But this is an election year and everyone is happy and, next year, when the pain returns there’s no election.