Democracy in Action in the State House
March 5, 2012 - by
The News and Observer headline read, Thom Tillis pushed bill for donors.
And the first line claimed Tillis had “muscled through” a bill so his donors could charge folks (who’re near the bottom of the 99%) 36% interest on loans.
But here’s an odd fact: Not one Democratic legislator had a critical word to say about Tillis’ bill. The only one complaining was liberal watchdog Bob Hall who said the way he saw it Tillis and former Democratic House Speaker Jim Black were cut from the same piece of cloth.
And here’s one other odd fact: Two Democrats co-sponsored that bill to help Thom Tillis’ Republican donors.
And that’s Democracy in action in Raleigh.

Democracy in Action in the State House
March 5, 2012/

The News and Observer headline read, Thom Tillis pushed bill for donors.
And the first line claimed Tillis had “muscled through” a bill so his donors could charge folks (who’re near the bottom of the 99%) 36% interest on loans.
But here’s an odd fact: Not one Democratic legislator had a critical word to say about Tillis’ bill. The only one complaining was liberal watchdog Bob Hall who said the way he saw it Tillis and former Democratic House Speaker Jim Black were cut from the same piece of cloth.
And here’s one other odd fact: Two Democrats co-sponsored that bill to help Thom Tillis’ Republican donors.
And that’s Democracy in action in Raleigh.