Decisive Action…Washington Style
April 8, 2011 - by
Nothing’s given and nothing’s certain but it sure looks like the government is not going to close down at midnight – instead, it looks like President Obama and the Democrats have won their fight with John Boehner and company.
Congress is staring a $1.5 trillion deficit (and a $3.5 trillion budget) in the eye.
But Boehner and company started out only proposing a minor $100 billion spending cut – less than 3%. Then Boehner retreated to $60 billion – less than 2%. Now he’s retreated to $39 billion – 1%. Which Obama and the Democrats have rejected. So now ‘the staff’ (whose staff isn’t clear) has proposed a $34.5 billion cut and the Democrats are purring “the two sides” at last are close to a deal. Only a measly $5 billion separates Boehner and Harry Reid.
So, at the end of the day, despite all the ‘sound and fury,’ despite the election of 69 new Republican Congressmen and Senators, business is going along pretty much as usual in Washington. To cure the economic meltdown Congress has acted decisively – by cutting spending 1%.

Decisive Action…Washington Style
April 8, 2011/

Nothing’s given and nothing’s certain but it sure looks like the government is not going to close down at midnight – instead, it looks like President Obama and the Democrats have won their fight with John Boehner and company.
Congress is staring a $1.5 trillion deficit (and a $3.5 trillion budget) in the eye.
But Boehner and company started out only proposing a minor $100 billion spending cut – less than 3%. Then Boehner retreated to $60 billion – less than 2%. Now he’s retreated to $39 billion – 1%. Which Obama and the Democrats have rejected. So now ‘the staff’ (whose staff isn’t clear) has proposed a $34.5 billion cut and the Democrats are purring “the two sides” at last are close to a deal. Only a measly $5 billion separates Boehner and Harry Reid.
So, at the end of the day, despite all the ‘sound and fury,’ despite the election of 69 new Republican Congressmen and Senators, business is going along pretty much as usual in Washington. To cure the economic meltdown Congress has acted decisively – by cutting spending 1%.